
When this came about in the past, it was the sensibility and great expertise of master craftsmen and architects that made this harmony possible.


Two locations for two of the most conflicting things a person can experience: living and travelling. The pre-cognitive expectations, background feelings and sensory-motor metaphors in question could not be more different.


Norman Fisher House, Louise Kahn, Pennsylvania (USA)

Throughout history, craftsmen and architects have managed to instinctively translate the pre-cognitive expectations triggered off by different experiences in different parts of the city. Today, TUNED provides a tool for creating a kind of harmony between people and the city that is as ancient as it is necessary


TWA Terminal (JFK Airport), Eero Saarinen, New York (USA)

The experience of travel is characterised by a pre-cognitive expectation of setting off and daily renewal through knowledge, a vital aspect of travel and discovery.