

  • Year: 2021
  • Client: Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova
  • Location: Padova
  • Dimension: 192.600 sqm
  • Activieties: Competition

The project for the Hospital of Padua is conceived as a holistic health centre integrated into the city. An architecture that returns to the idea of ​​the city of care where, as in the Asclepeion of Pergamum, the health of the mind is intertwined with that of the body. Instead of the Greek theater, to take care of the mind, the architectural project uses cognitive neuroscience.

  • Year: 2021
  • Client: Venezia Città Metropolitana
  • Location: Venezia
  • Dimension: 10.000 sqm
  • Activities: Competition

The project for the new Police Headquarters in Venice is based on the people who will inhabit it. Police and administrative body operators carry out complementary activities that have made it possible, thanks to a specific analysis, to identify the expectations and needs, and therefore the environmental conditions that can best respond. The harmony between people’s emotional expectations and environmental responses is the key to this project.

  • Year: 2020
  • Client: Ernst & Young
  • Location: Rome
  • Size: 700 sqm
  • Activities: Brief

An innovative workshop for learning and developing new ideas

7 rooms form Wavespace taking up part of the seventh floor of EY’s new headquarters in Rome.

In order to focus on the architectural features, the brief outlines how to trigger off seven different kinds of perceptual dynamics, one for each of the areas, drawing inspiration human evolutionio and, in particular, primary means of body-environment interaction.

TUNED’S guidelines were converted into an architectural project by DEGW in partnership with Enrico Arrighetti, who followed the entire building process right through to when it was handed over to the client.

  • Year: 2020
  • Client: Prologis
  • Location: Lodi
  • Activities: Brief & Design

Based on what is specified in the general guidelines for Parklife, initial design work began to incorporate services for both internal and external users of the platform. They included relaxation areas for staff and rest services for passing lorry drivers designed in accordance with the brief and then translated into a project by Lombardini22 in partnership with Cristian Catania. The logistics platform includes five large buildings managed by Ceva Logistic: approximately two-hundred people working site the offices and warehouses.

  • Year: 2020
  • Client:: SEA Group
  • Location: Milano Linate
  • Area: 600 sqm
  • Activities: Brief & Design

Developing a project focused around the users called for a pinpoint analysis of micro-activities and perceptual experiences unfolding in various realms of the airport. TUNED studied seven interior settings serving passengers: from the check-in and security area to the gates. Each of these spaces call into play different specific experiences and forms of interaction for all the main types of users (commuters, business, tourism) in all the different age brackets. Each of these spaces requires its own distinctive layout allowing emotional expectations to be mirrored in their form, perceptual dynamics and general mood. This study resulted in the writing of seven briefs, later used to design the ‘Ambiance’ project already set under way by SEA before TUNED intervened.

In contrast, Lombardini22 developed a new design concept for the security area based on a brief compiled by TUNED.

  • Year: 2020
  • Client: Prologis
  • Location: Milano
  • Activities: Brief

On average, people spend more time at work than on any other daily activity. This makes the workplace an exceptionally important focus of interest for health and wellbeing, which organizations should actively favour and support by creating good working conditions and practices. This is not only to promote productivity in the interest of the organization, but also to support the worker in the name of good social and humanitarian practices. Notwithstanding, for many the workplace represents one of the main sources of mental and physical discomfort. One of the most accredited factors negatively affecting wellbeing at work is stress.

Environmental comfort is a notion that refers to work-related wellbeing and productivity that are associated with elements in the workspace. By feeling “comfortable”, the worker is able to give her/his best at work in terms of mental and physical resources and, through the proper implementation of coping strategies, to manage hassles and criticalities associated with work performance and relationships.

The guidelines developed for ParkLife focus on several levels to set the character of each individual platform: new services to help hit targets, open areas, landscaping and environmental design, and architectural features.

  • Year: 2020
  • Client: Prologis
  • Location: Piacenza
  • Activities: Brief e MasterPlan

Piacenza Masterplan is the first application of the Guidelines developed for the Prologis Parklife project.

The location of the logistic pole allows it to benefit from the proximity of the resources and infrastructures offered by the city of Piacenza. The mutual relationship between the logistic park and the city could be implemented by the connection, through an electric vehicle, of the services situated in close proximity, allowing the employees to benefit from these existing facilities.

On the scale of the District, existing infrastructures for bikers and pedestrian, as well as historic farmhouses have been considered as strategic in the overall ecosystem of the area. These existing buildings, once refurbished, could accommodate new functions, contributing to the restoration of the historical memory of the area.

On the scale of the buildings, entrances are equipped with electric car charging points and refurbished containers for sheltering bikes. The monotony of the long façades is overcome by the introduction of climbing plants on the entries of the administrative buildings as well as graphic and architectonic interventions on the portions of the façades above the loading bays. The existing green areas are implemented and new natural elements are introduced. Inside the buildings, existing services related to basic needs are enforced and new services for promoting health and well-being are introduced.

  • Year: 2017
  • Client: KOS
  • Location: Maserà (PD)
  • Area: 6500 sqm
  • Activities: Brief & Design

TUNED drew up a brief to identify the perceptual dynamics of all the interior areas of the project for Maserà Old People’s Home. Entrance, communal areas, transition space, rooms, and garden: the brief set the guidelines for all of these spaces to instil greater coherency in the preliminary and final projects Lombardini22 then drew up with Adolfo Suarez and Giusi Palumbo.

  • Year: 2019
  • Client: Policlinico
  • Location: Milano
  • Area: 500 sqm
  • Activities: Emergency Brief

People using hospital accident and emergency services have to deal with varying waiting times. Their physiology is affected by their state of health: this triggers off powerful basic emotions, such as pain, suffering and fear. This provides a kind of snapshot of the starting point. As time passes, a different feeling starts to spread among the patients who are waiting and the people accompanying them: anger, which causes stress to gradually build up. The strategy is to help bring forth emotions that counterbalance anger and fear. Alongside fear, anger and pain, two other positive basic emotions also come to the fore: care and research.

The emotion associated with care is, of course, the most desired by all patients: it is one of the most biologically deeply rooted emotions originating from direct relations with our mothers.

Architecture can mirror care (taken as an emotional expectation) through the perception of space. Research is another emotional system for ensuring this counterbalancing takes place. These two complementary strategies should be implemented simultaneously.

This primary feeling of care can be triggered off by the physiological sensation of warmth typical of a mother’s embrace. The spatial design of a nest, capable of evoking the physiological gesture of an embrace, can be translated into a furnishing system. The landscaping of an inner courtyard and a water fountain also affect the homeostatic balance by reducing stress by focusing on a combination of visual and sound stimuli.

As regards the emotion of research, the physiological sensation of activation, associated with a kinematic activity like dance, can be embodied through the dynamism of information systems, graphics and their colour schemes.

On average, people spend more time at work than on any other daily activity. This makes the workplace an exceptionally important focus of interest for health and wellbeing, which organizations should actively favour and support by creating good working conditions and practices. This is not only to promote productivity in the interest of the organization, but also to support the worker in the name of good social and humanitarian practices. Notwithstanding, for many the workplace represents one of the main sources of mental and physical discomfort. One of the most accredited factors negatively affecting wellbeing at work is stress.

Environmental comfort is a notion that refers to work-related wellbeing and productivity that are associated with elements in the workspace. By feeling “comfortable”, the worker is able to give her/his best at work in terms of mental and physical resources and, through the proper implementation of coping strategies, to manage hassles and criticalities associated with work performance and relationships.

The guidelines developed for ParkLife focus on several levels to set the character of each individual platform: new services to help hit targets, open areas, landscaping and environmental design, and architectural features.

  • Year: 2018
  • Client: Ferrovie dello Stato
  • Location: Pt. Garibaldi station, Milano
  • Area: 6700 sqm
  • Activities: Brief & Design

Before drawing up the project brief, a test was carried out involving 200 people inside the station area. This provided a better understanding of the user’s expectations in relation to certain activities and allowed us to devise the architectural solutions summed up in the brief. This was then followed by a more in-depth design study of the outside square carried out by Lombardini22 in partnership with Adolfo Suarez to design a junction area between Piazza Gae Aulenti and Garibaldi Station’s main hall.

  • Year: 2019
  • Client: DEA Capital
  • Location: Sarzana (SP)
  • Area: 6500 sqm
  • Activities: Brief

TUNED set guidelines aimed at adjusting and implementing certain features inside the housing facilities and indoor/outdoor communal spaces of a Caputo International social housing project. A study of users’ expectations was fine-tuned with the help of a survey of 1000 people carried out in partnership with DOXA.

  • Year: 2016
  • Client: Comune di Negrar
  • Location: Negrar (VR)
  • Area: 5500 sqm
  • Activities: Competition

Lombardini22 developed an architectural project with Alessandro Longo in accordance with TUNED guidelines as part of the MIUR program for Innovative Schools. Before the design phase began, pupils and teachers were carefully consulted, and an implicit association test was carried out to assess the underlying assumptions on which the brief was drawn up.